-----Original Message-----
From: Mike M [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: Cheap modem

On Friday 14 February 2003 04:08, David Turetsky wrote:
> I just installed a cheap, generic modem and tried both 'pon' and
> 'minicom' under woody, without effect
> The output in dmesg made be suspicious that the woody kernel has a
> problem/no support for this device.
> The passage catching my attention:
> ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
> PCI: Found IRQ 10 for device 00:11.0
> PCI: Sharing IRQ 10 with 00:0f.0
> Redundant entry in serial pci_table.  Please send the output of
> lspci -vv, this message (134d,7891,134d,0001)
> and the manufacturer and name of serial board or modem board
> register_serial(): autoconfig failed
> I had a second win modem previously installed, but removing that did
> alter the situation

Getting hosed at the PCI level is bad.  I've worked with a winmodem and 
external modems.  The cheap external modems worked with much less

The only reason I worked with the winmodem is because is was in a laptop
had no serial port (it did have USB ports though).  I had to identify
winmodem maker (Conexant) and go to a website dedicated to supporting
Conexant modems.  The support was in rpms for RH and Mandrake.  Support
other distros was in source form.  There were specific Debian

The external modems just worked.  End of story.  I paid US$20 for the 
external serial modems.

If you must work with the winmodem then use the lspci command to read
the card says about who made it and what that mfr calls it.  From there
can hopefully find specific support. (www.linmodems.org)
Mike M.

My new cheap modem is a PCTel. I followed the link you gave and got all
the info I needed and downloaded a gz module that is supposed to provide
support for linux version 2.4.18, which I have

How much of a problem am I letting myself in for if I go ahead and
install this in my debian system

BTW, the modem that came with my system (Dell desktop) is a USRobotics,
which is a winmodem, and for which no vendor support in linux is
indicated (to the contrary) at the linmodems.org site


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