Kenward Vaughan saw fit to inform me that: 
>On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 12:59:18AM +0530, Rajesh Fowkar wrote:
>> Hi Kenward,
>> Kenward Vaughan saw fit to inform me that: 
>> >Why not just get it in non-digest form?  
>> I will receive too many mails. I prefer to receive in digest form and then
>> somehow split them. I wanted to know whether it is possible somehow.
>That's the point of filtering them into a directory/folder by themselves.  A
>sort on subject of the contents gives you a great way to view it all, then. 
>The Amount of mail w.r.t. bytes is about the same in either case, so the DL
>times are going to be roughly the same.

Problem solved. Procmail receipe :

* ^TOdebian-user
    | formail +2 -ds >> Today_debian



>> >You can filter it into its own directory when received, thus achieving the
>> >same effect as a digest.  Fetchmail can be run as a cron job to get new mail
>> >at certain times to keep you from having to sit through a long DL from your
>> >ISP (I run mine every hour).
>> I am subscribed from my home from a dial up line. No cron job. :-)
>As intimated above, so am I.  Your system can be set up to do nearly anything,
>including dialing your ISP and fetching the mail.  Check out various issues
>of the Linux Gazette, searching on mail.

Rajesh Fowkar
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