After a bit of luck, I managed to build debs for qmail 1.0.3 and its counterpart ucspi-tcp for the powerpc. Installing was generally successful except towards the end when the install told me that I needed to set up /etc/qmail/control/me on my own. It is the absence of this file which I believe is causing qmail not to start on boot ( /etc/init.d/exim exists and does atttempt to start).

So the installer told me that I should read qmail's docs /usr/doc/qmail in order to find out how to configure 'me.' I have also read posts on debian-user which claim that these docs are very informative. However, I have read them all and I can't find out how to write 'me' manually, nor does it supply any examples. One file (either INSTALL or INSTALL.ctl) refers to two scripts intended to configue qmail: config and config-fast. The debs themselves fail to supply these scripts anywhere. I did however manage to find them ( and when I unpacked the tar file of the original sources. However, these scripts fail to work too.

So any tips, pointers, howtos, or examples anyone could pass on to me would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, its back to exim.

p.s. I have already searched's mailing list and found no discussion of a similar problem among debian users.
W. Crowshaw

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