Hey Bill, glad to know you're using Debian! > If the stability of stable is 10 and the stability of unstable is 1,
Well, unstable varies in stability from 0 to 9 quite frequently. The trick is catching it at the right time. > how would you rate the testing distribution? testing is meant to help `catch testing at the right time'. Having said that, I'm still using potato just because I don't want to use up too much bandwidth at work. But now that testing exists, I might start tracking it, uploading one a month or so. (I have a small unstable chroot environment to build packages meant for uploading to unstable). > (This might be a useful > metric to post on the Debian site to help Debian users decide which > distribution is for them.) Hard to decide on that number... > Also, it would be nice to just update /etc/apt/sources.list and fire > off dselect to go from potato to woody, but I suppose folks here > will recommend that I use "apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade" > instead. I haven't used dselect in ages. I _always_ get lost in it (I suppose I should learn it properly). So yeah, try apt-get and get hooked like the rest of us. Peter