> 1) you 'cat' a file you shouldn't in the console mode. before you know > it everything on the commandline becomes an unreadable mess of ascii > characters you didn't know you had.
try `reset` perhaps. You might not see the characters in correct ascii, but it should work. Maybe ctrl+l would work too, but I think reset is a better bet. I think there is another way but I can't think of it off hand. > 2) X crashes (hasn't for a while actually) and dumps you in a grey > screen with a mouse pointer and nothing else. (That would be running > unstable, helix-gnome, enlightenment and gdm with mozilla to crash it). > I've tried restarting the gdm daemon but that doesn't work. ctrl+alt+backspace or ctrl+alt+f1 (f2, f3, ...), log in, `ps aux | grep x` and kill whatever X is stopping you. If xdm is running, it will restart X anyway (afaik). -nicole