i just tried apt-get install tast-x-window-system-core it broke debconf. it said it was upgrading debconf (sources pointing at unstable), and now all packages won't install. because debconf won't install because of aparently a perl problem. and then everything else fails on depconf because it 'isn't configured yet'
would anyone like to help? or is this just what i get for trying to run unstable? man... i don't want to install from floppies a second time... that took me over an hour. On Fri, 19 Jan 2001 08:39:06 -0500, Bob Rowe whispered to the router: !!This is one of the things that has driven be buggy about Debian. Of three !! attempted installations on my home machine, an old HP Vectra VL and a !! Toshiba 430CDT portable, only the Vectra presented a successful installation. !! !! I had the problem quoted below on the 430CDT after the base installation. I !! tried the apt-get statement cited in this email response--apt said the !! task-x-window-system-core was installed. I did apt-cache show to see if !! there were fixed fonts of any description on the machine and there were !! not. I also did a find with the same result. So I did apt-get update, then !! tried apt-cache show again. Nothing. I tried apt-get search xfonts* and !! still came up with nothing. Nichego. Nada. !! !! Today or tomorrow I will try RH7. That one, RH7, installed without a hitch !! on my home machine. Why is that? Why should one distribution install and !! another one will not? I presented my problems to this list and got some !! well-thought-out responses, but they didn't help. !! !! I would really like to switch to Debian because of dpkg and apt, and !! because Red Hat seems to be intent on becoming the Micr$oft of Linux distros. !! !! At 09:19 AM 01/19/2001 +0000, Frank Copeland wrote: !! >On 19 Jan 01 06:58:32 GMT, Forrest English <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: !! > > !! > >in my trying to apt all the right files for my laptop to run x, i seem to !! > >have missed somthing. !! > > !! > >when i attemt to run x... !! > > !! > >"Fatal Server error: !! > >could not open default font 'fixed'" !! > > !! > >what does this mean, and what do i need to do to fix it? !! > !! >It means you've neglected to install a necessary font package. The !! >simplest solution may be to 'apt-get install task-x-window-system-core' !! >which *should* pull in everything you need. !! > !! >Frank !! > !! > !! >-- !! >To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] !! >with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] !! !! --- !! Robert W. Rowe Winstar Systems Group !! Sr. Software Engineer Work: 703.889.2323 !! A/N pager: 800.465.8894 (no PIN) or [EMAIL PROTECTED] !! !! Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at !! tax collectors -- and miss! !! !! !! !! -- Forrest English http://truffula.net "I don't like this air, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop breathing." -Doug Martsch