On Sun, Jan 14, 2001 at 08:10:36PM +0000, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> I'm in the process of packaging PostgreSQL 7.1beta3.  It's not yet completing
> the build successfully, but it's now a question of changing debian/rules and
> the various files and dirs files.  There may still remain some problems
> with perl-dependent stuff; perl is HELL! (metaphorically :-))

and thanks for getting in up to your elbows! this'll be GREAT once
we all catch up and figure out how to make it dance...

> I'm also making some changes to the installation scripts to take account of
> upstream changes.  This will involve moving user options from pg_options
> and postmaster.init into the new postgresql.conf.  There will probably be
> other changes too.
> This is the opportunity to suggest any major changes to the packaging.
> I'll be going back over my emails to see what people may have suggested,
> but they're probably not complete, so don't assume that I will automatically
> remember anything you've mailed me in the past.

i'm looking in
to figure out how to activate it -- but it seems that this is
for the upstream folks; the debian package should already have
it running, no?

i'm on potato, but i've got the potato link in my sources.list:

        # postgresql 7.* -- for potato?
        deb http://www.samfundet.no/~tfheen/debian potato main

and "dpkg -l postgre\*" shows
        un  postgres95                  <none>
        un  postgres95-dev              <none>
        ii  postgresql                  7.0.3-0potato1
        ii  postgresql-client           7.0.3-0potato1
        ii  postgresql-contrib          7.0.3-0potato1
        ii  postgresql-dev              7.0.3-0potato1
        ii  postgresql-doc              7.0.3-0potato1
        ii  postgresql-pl               7.0.3-0potato1
        in  postgresql-slink            <none>

that's all i need, right?

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