-----Original Message-----
From: Derrick 'dman' Hudson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: My cup runneth over!

On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 06:46:03PM -0500, David Turetsky wrote:
| You sure there ain't some way to prevent a slew of xterm windows from
| opening up each time I reboot into gdm?

It sounds like you have some open when you terminate your gnome
session, and you told gnome to save the session.  A real PITA isn't
it?  The solution I've found is first to close all applications, then
log out (saving the session).  After that never save the session
again.  Only save the session if you actually changed something (eg
panel configuration) _and_ you quit all programs before saving the
session.  In the near future I'll likely be losing gnome for something


[1]  meaning a custom-built app launcher to replace the panel, the
     only part of gnome I actually use


1) are you properly exiting from X when you go to reboot?
2) sounds like you're not closing your xterms when you exit, and have
the option to "save session at exit" turned on. try closing all the
xterms, and all other windows, and then cleanly exiting.  if they don't
appear again when you log back in from gdm, then track down that option
and turn it off.

Nathan Poznick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, I see that if I am careful, close all windows, logoff then log back
on I'm ok. Any other route seems to be disasterous. Thanks, both


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