
Thanks for reply and suggestion. Unfortunately I'm not able to replace
our existing Apache, since there are some special configurations
concerning an existing web-based customer support system that I can't
screw up (I'm sure it is possible to fix it, but I'm no master of this
art, and I need to get this to work as soon as possible).

After I wrote to this mailing list yesterday, I managed to talk
the firewall administrator to open the firewall for external traffic
through port 443. I think this is OK, since we know all the IP-adresses
from which the customers will access the application, and will be able
to stop everyone else with a regular proxy back in the DMZ. 

Do I have to install Apache-SSL (or mod_ssl) anyway, since I need the
Apache to listen to port 443?

Which proxy should i choose, Squid or mod_proxy?

Med vennlig hilsen, 

Ola Muan
talk2me system
Et selskap i Paintbox Gruppen AS
Drammensveien 130
0277 OSLO
Telefon: 22 54 15 82 (direkte)
Telefax: 22 54 15 01

Besøk oss gjerne på http://www.talk2me.no !

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