Yesterdaynight (like 4am today :) i've started compiling the 2.4.0 once more and this time i took the time for a read (it happens)
Apparently, woody comes with a compiler the 2.4.0 readme advices against ... they advice a version prior to 2.95.2 or something and even warn the current (2.95.2) is not REALLY safe.
So, i tried a rollback to the version that was recommended (the also mention egcs) but could not find this anywhere in the packageslists i use. (i have archives active for potato as well as testing (woody))
Does anyone know of any real complications ?
I've enabled framebuffer support but this screws my video in textmode when i jump to a console from X. How do i disable this without the need to recompile ?
(i'm currently using XFree86 4.0.2 with a Matrox G200 8MB, i've also installed the matrox beta driver)

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