No argument there.  There can be many good reasons to recompile the kernel.
It just isn't required in this case.  Also, there are lots of Linux users that
are afraid to build the kernel.  For those folks, this lets them put it off a
little longer.

I really like the way potato (and later I assume) have set up the stock
kernel.  AFAICT, everything that can be built as a module _is_ built as a
module (with the exception of scsi hardware).  This allows those who don't
have a yen to rebuild the kernel to avoid it indefinately.

BTW, for those who _do_ like to rebuild the kernel, Debian makes it incredibly
easy with the kernel_package tool.


On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Kenneth Scharf wrote:

> I've had my cdrw drive for a while, I used it under
> slink.  I guess the standard Debian kernels are a
> little different now than under slink, or I just took
> some information in the CDR howto a little to
> verbatium.  Anyway I have always built my own kernels
> with only what I needed in them and have only used the
> stock kernel for the initial installation.  I do build
> my kernels with many devices in modules.  So yes, I
> stand corrected, however there is nothing wrong with
> re-building the kernel to suit your needs.  Another
> reason I build my own is to use a later kernel than
> currently available as a .deb image.
> --- "David A. Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> >
> > > You must re-compile your kernel.  You also need to
> > > REMOVE ide cdrom support, because the scsi
> > emulation
> > > will replace the ide cdrom driver.  This is needed
> > > because CDRECORD only uses scsi protocol.  You
> > will
> > > then access the cdrom as /dev/scd0.  In my
> > computer I
> > > have a cdrw drive AND a real scsi cd rom drive.
> > The
> > > cdrom drive is now /dev/scd0 and the scsi cd rom
> > drive
> > > is /dev/scd1.  (YMMV, might depend on the order
> > you
> > > load modules).
> >
> > You do _not_ need to recompile the kernel.  The
> > stock debian kernel is
> > perfectly capable of running the ide-scsi as a
> > module.  The only tricky part
> > is that you have to reserve the cd writer.  This is
> > done using the append
> > statement as shown in the cd-writing howto.
> > Couldn't be easier and doesn't
> > require recompiling the kernel.
> >
> > dar
> >
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