On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 07:52:18PM +0000, Pollywog wrote:
> Is there a problem with the PCMCIA modules in kernel 2.2.18?
> I can build the modules for kernel 2.2.16 but not 2.2.18 and I have
> tried both several times.

I just did this yesterday, on a "new" Tosiba Tecra 550CDT laptop.  It's 
running Woody (Testing).  I did it the Debian Way (after apt-getting and
unzipping the source and pcmcia-modules packages):

make xconfig
make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg --revision=tecra.1 kernel_image
make-kpkg modules-image
dpkg -i kernel-image kernel-image-2.2.18_tecra.1_i386.deb

It went without a glitch.

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