G'Day Folks,

A question from some newcomers to Debian (refugees from RPM database
problems under RedHat and Mandrake installations ;-)

We have some software that requires the g++ class template stuff found
in egcs (aka gcc 2.91.66). N.B. the later gcc 2.95.2 and 2.95.3
templates *BREAK* our software ( which works fine with other commercial
c++ compilers, BTW). I understand that this is fundamentally an issue
with gcc, and not debian, or it's packaging strategy.

However, there appears to be no current way to get egcs and the normal
gcc packages to co-exist in Woody. Obviously, this used to work, as we
found the egcc packages in the slink archives. Equally obviously, simply
trying to install those slink packages under woody using "dpkg -i"
didn't work, or I wouldn't be writing this message :-)

We've got one of our guys working on massaging the egcc source package
stuff to live within a Woody environment, but I expect someone else,
somewhere, must have needed this kind of thing before now. Has anyone
succeeded in getting egcs to co-exist iwth the mainstream gcc packages
in woody? If so, how?

We are aware of the "wishlist" proposal (bug number 77872) for a "kgcc"
to package up the egcs version of gcc as the "official" compiler gcc.
Obviously, our needs differ, since we need g++, not just gcc. An update
of the full suite of egcs (2.91.66) packages would be the solution we'd
prefer by far, and it would also incidentally satisfy the "kgcc" need.  

Any help or advice would be most appreciated. Remember, we're Debian
newbies, and are just learning the ropes :-)


Frank Horowitz;   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CSIRO Exploration & Mining,  PO Box 437,  Nedlands,  WA  6009,      
Tel.(08)9389-8421 (Int'l +61 8 9389 8421), FAX (08)9389-1909 (+61 8 9389

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