>From a tip given somewhere on this list, I typed:

# apt-get dist-upgrade -s

And lo and behold came the following output:

Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
6 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not 
Inst diff [shellutils on hurd]
Conf diff
Inst less [shellutils on hurd]
Inst sharutils [shellutils on hurd]
Inst libcdparanoia0 [shellutils on hurd]
Inst cdparanoia [shellutils on hurd]
Inst dh-make [shellutils on hurd]
Conf less
Conf sharutils
Conf libcdparanoia0
Conf cdparanoia
Conf dh-make

What does the "shellutils on hurd" mean? Is this the famed Hurd OS 
making its long overdue entrance?

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