On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 08:35:17AM -0600, Lance Simmons wrote:
| I'm getting this error message a lot:
|   kernel: keyboard: Timeout - AT keyboard not present?
| Full disclosure: a few weeks ago I switched to one of those Microsoft

Microsoft?  Did they put a check in the keyboard to ensure that it is
only used with a Microsoft OS?  Perhaps you can pay them an Alternate
OS fee to enable the keyboard.  <wink>

| ergonomic keyboards. (It's great!) So I assume that's the source of the
| error message (which I never got before). Does anyone know what's
| causing this message and how I can stop it?

What kind of motherboard do you have?  Does it have a PS/2 port?  I
don't think that any recently built keyboards work with the older AT
keyboard ports.  I have the MS keyboard at work (NT 4.0 system) -- it
has a PS/2 connector and an adapter for USB.  (Aside:  does the USB
really only work with Win98 like they said or will it work with any
USB capable system?)

I have a different brand of ergo keyboard on my personal Debian
system.  It has only a PS/2 connector and works fine.

I would recommend plugging a basic keyboard in and rebooting.  If you
don't see the error, return your M$ keyboard immediately.  (If you
want I can give you the brand/etc of my keyboard.  It isn't curved as
nicely as the MS one but it has those cool buttons on the top -- now I
just need to write a driver to use those buttons :-))


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