
I have just installed the 2.4.0 kernel and I have the re100tx.c to compile
(it's the driver for Compex's ReadyLink card). Unfortunately, the
compilation has problems on including the header files (I guess, some C
sturctures have been changed on 2.4.0). I have looked around for the
driver, including the Compex's web-site (www.cpx.com), to no avail. Is the
2.4.0-compatible driver source residing at somesite that I don't know yet? 

BTW, I intend to use iproute2 (iptables, ip, tc) on a system which has the
new kernel. I think I have some problems with the kmod (kerneld
replacement). If I want to execute iptables, the module ip_tables have to
be loaded before; meaning, the module auto-load seems not to be working.
But it does work for loading floppy.o and ext2.o; if I did "mount
/dev/fd0 /mnt", the command would work without preloading the floppy and
ext2. Clues please...

Thanks in advance,

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