> Yes, when they ask if you have anything to declare - tell them you only
> have the Mr.Rogers Naughty Neighborhood videos...
> They like that joke.

And tell them about the explosives your friends hid in the linings of
the car's upholstery as a going away prank. It will bring tears to your

So, Kate, we got a thread going. While it ain't Gimp (or Kansas); it's,
I figure, a start. We should be feel proud. I for one will sleep soundly
tonight knowing we've breathed life into the ol' girl. Once we've done
with, er, boinking gifs, we could perhaps move on to jumping jpg's and
the morality involved.

And if things should happen to slow down again, then I will most
defintely post something about how to draw a straight line. I'll pull
out some bread for toasting if I get flamed. Waste not, want not.



            "Hey, I think I finally got the hang of i-"

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