On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 12:56:45AM +0800, I wrote: > Is there a tool to do a search-and-replace from the command line? > Something along the lines of: > > replace "string one" "string foo" files-to-process
sed is it! Thanks to John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, und eechi von akusyumi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for the replies. Now my problem is how to make sed recurse through directories. I managed to chain commands together as: for i in *.txt ; do mv $i $i.tmp ; sed s/foo/boo/g $i.tmp > $i ; done Can anybody comment on this little script? This appears to work, but may be inefficient. And it's one step removed from what I want, recursive processing. That is, to have sed process files in subdirectories of the current directory. I prefer something that can receive its input from find: find . -name *.txt -- Just testing this signature thing!