Hi, I installed Debian without any difficulties but I'm not amused with the grey loginscreen from XDM. Someone told me to change this using xbanner but that didn't satisfy me. Another user pointed me to some backgrounds for XDM at http://x.themes.org . I took a nice Debian background ( http://x.themes.org/php/pic.phtml?src=resources/xdm.969685173.jpg ) but don't know how I can show it at the XDM-startup/login. How do I do this?
TIA -- Koen Colpaert DIC-team / IBA Directoraat-generaal Graaf de Ferraris-gebouw, lokaal 01.P.68 Koning Albert II-laan 20 bus 2 1000 Brussel Tel : 02/553.72.69 - Fax : 02/553.72.05 GSM : 0478/56.06.25 --- On the requirements it said: Windows 95 or better - so I installed Linux ---