My mouse has been working fine, but perhaps something more subtle
could be wrong.  Learning something new's always valuable.

On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, Carel Fellinger wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 10:38:20AM -0500, Mithras wrote:
> ...
> > Thanks to everyone that replied!  The key for me was hearing about
> > "gpm".  I can't recall all the combinations I tried last night, but I
> > was successful setting up the mouse to work with both X and the
> > console.  After configuring gpm for the console, I changed the Pointer
> > declaration in XF86Config to use ttyS0, but I had to rename
> > /dev/gpmdata for X to listen to the serial port.
> This doesn't sound right! (maybe it's just me failing to understand you)
> You should not touch /dev/gpmdata, let alone rename it.  Let me recap:
> In XF86Config you should use:
>    Protocol        "whatever suits your mouse"
>    Device          "/dev/mouse"

Currently I have:

   Protocol     "Microsoft"
   Device       "/dev/ttyS0"

> If yoy don't plan to use gpm make sure that:
>    $ ls -l /dev/mouse
>    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root    7 Aug 16 21:07 /dev/mouse -> ttyS0
> If you do use gpm make sure that:
>    $ ls -l /dev/mouse
>    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root    7 Aug 16 21:07 /dev/mouse -> gpmdata

I can't remember which device I left /dev/mouse symlinked to.  Since
I'm using gpm under console and /dev/ttyS0 under X, it hasn't
mattered.  But hey, I could change X to use /dev/mouse and symlink
mouse to ttyS0, for consistency's sake.

> and setup gpm to use:
>    device=/dev/ttyS0
>    type=whatever-suits-your-mouse
>    repeat_type=raw
>    append="-l \"a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\""

I haven't used anything like the repeat_type or append settings you
have there.  Gpm's device is /dev/ttyS0, and the type is ms.
repeat_type is ''.

Still, these settings did not work until I moved /dev/gpmdata.  The
mouse did not move, yet I'd set the pointer to use /dev/ttyS0.  I
remembered reading here or on the web that someone else couldn't get
their mouse to work on X until they removed gpmdata, so I thought I'd
try that.  I'd read it was a named pipe that the gpm process populated
with mouse input so X could get its data from it, so I figured it
wouldn't hurt anything in the console if I took it away.  Maybe X was
treating /dev/gpmdata preferentially in spite of XF86Config.

But I didn't want to screw myself if I found later that I needed
/dev/gpmdata, so I moved it to /dev/gpmdata.gone.  Once I did this,
and started X, the mouse worked.

This might not be ideal, but I'm a practical guy.

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