:: Colin Watson writes:

>> Ok... Now, dlocate -S x-terminal-emulator  didn't find
>> anything. Running it starts powershell.

> It wouldn't: x-terminal-emulator is an alternative (see 'man
> update-alternatives') pointing to one of various things like xterm,
> rxvt, Eterm, gnome-terminal, konsole, powershell, and so on. Each of
> these should support some basic set of xterm's options, but not all of
> them do. There was a conversation about it on debian-devel a few months
> back.

> There's an open bug (#74144) against powershell pointing out that it's
> broken in this respect. Until it's fixed, I can only suggest that you
> install something else as your x-terminal-emulator using
> 'update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator'.

Thanks a lot! I switched to xterm, which is lighter and better as an
x-terminal-emulator, IMHO.


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

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