Rick wrote: > > Hello, > > I got Unreal Tournament for xmas and am now trying to install it, but the > installer is not working happily with my cdrom (generic ATAPI). I have > gotten it to work successful on my lady's potato distro, and I am running > potato as well. The problem seems to be that it is not identifying the > disk label (?) properly. > > Does anyone know if this is likely a hardare issue, driver issue, or config > issue?
does the cdrom mount ok ? if so be sure you have joliet support in the kernel otherwise the installer won't work, and be sure you have the right installer there is one for the standard UT cd and one for the GOTY version. and be sure it is an english CD, all foreign language cds are not supported and probably never will be, some of the GOTY cds are not supported either(there are multiple versions). compare the MD5Sums with these with your UT CD: http://www.lokigames.com/~vogel/UT/files.txt be sure they match up, ask in the loki ut newsgroup for more help if you need it its quite active. nate (in the loki UT newsgroup too..) -- ::: ICQ: 75132336 http://www.aphroland.org/ http://www.linuxpowered.net/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]