On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 03:13:06PM -0600, Jake R. Johnson wrote:
> I am just starting on a G4 and they seem fairly fast but I hate that you
> can't boot to a floppy for kernels and such.  Is there anyone that has a
> recompiled 2.4 kernel with usb mouse support?

debian-powerpc is a much better list for these questions, there is not
many powerpc people on -user.  

however i happen to be one of those few.  the debian potato r2 CDs are
bootable on G4s.  and the debian kernel (found where powerpc
bootfloppies are) is also G4 bootable.  i highly reccommend getting a
bootable CD though its much simpler to install debian that way.  but
you can get the linux kernel from debian's disks-powerpc and boot it
via yaboot using root.bin as the initrd to get to the installer.  

read the debian r2 install docs as well as my partitioning guide and
yaboot-faq at http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/doc/ or

also BenH's precompiled kernels (which are currently outdated, use
debian's, or stock 2.2.18)  are at http://www.penguinppc.org/~benh/

Ethan Benson

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