> I'm trying to set the default Xterm size (columns and rows) and font. I
> was told that they should be specified in .Xdefaults, but I have yet to
> find any documentation which covers the format required. I also saw some
> mention that Debian uses .Xresources rather than .Xdefaults, but have no
> more idea about how it should be set up than I have about .Xdefaults.

I use ~/.Xdefaults and run `xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults' out of my
.xsession file.  Try something like:

XTerm*geometry:         80x40
XTerm*font:             lucidasanstypewriter-10
XTerm*foreground:       white
XTerm*background:       black
XTerm*saveLines:        1000

Netscape*geometry:                             960x768
Netscape*fontList:                              lucidasans-10
Netscape*XmPushButton*shadowThickness:          1
Netscape*XmPushButtonGadget*shadowThickness:    1

Netscape*toolBar.myshopping.isEnabled:          false
Netscape*toolBar.destinations.isEnabled:        false
Netscape*toolBar.search.isEnabled:              false
Netscape*toolBar.viewSecurity.isEnabled:        false
Netscape*toolBar.home.isEnabled:                true
Netscape*toolBar.print.isEnabled:               false

> I am also trying to find out how I set shutdown so that it can be operated
> by a normal user, rather than requiring root access. I set shutdown itself
> as suid, which allows a normal user to shutdown from the command line.
> However, I've yet to get gshutdown to operate from the menu for anything
> other than root access.

The GDM package from Helix GNOME works, and allows normal users to
select `Halt' from the system list.  Sorry, can't help much more.

-=|JP|=-                "Why, oh, why didn't I take the blue pill?"
Jon Pennington        | Atipa Linux Solutions   -o)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.atipa.com    /\\
Kansas City, MO, USA  | 816-595-3000 x1550     _\_V

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