will trillich wrote: > > On Mon, Dec 25, 2000 at 02:11:12PM +0100, Igor Mozetic wrote: > > > I setup an rsync mirror of the kde2 site for my home network. I was > > > wondering how to set it up so I can apt-get from workstations in my > > > network the packages off my rsync mirror. Has anyone done this? Any > > > pointers for me? > > > > No big deal. If you want to use (in /etc/apt/sources.list), eg: > > > > deb ftp://YOUR.MIRROR.FQDN/debian potato main contrib non-free > > then setup an ftp server, if you want to use: > > > > deb http://YOUR.MIRROR.FQDN/debian potato main contrib non-free > > then setup a web server, and if you want to use: > > > > deb file:/YOUR-MIRROR-EXPORTED-DIR/debian potato main contrib non-free > > then setup an NFS server. > > do you think it'd be approrpriate if i included something > along these lines to my apt-get-intro.html at > http://www.eGroups.com/files/newbieDoc ? or is it > more advanced than the scope of that document? > > -- > There are only two places in the world where time takes > precedence over the job to be done. School and prison. > --William Glasser > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** http://www.dontUthink.com/ > > volunteer to document your experience for next week's > newbies -- http://www.eGroups.com/messages/newbieDoc > > -- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hey Will, I'm the guy who spoke to you a few weeks ago about getting onto eGroups. I finally got my exim config up and working and plan on writing how to set it up along with this subject once I get it working. (Probably after the holidays, there is so much to do!) Anyway, you should still write about it. I may be able to contribute to it and together we can fill in any gaps the other might miss. When I was brand new to Debian (though I still consider myself a novice) I didn't know or understand the half of what I could really do with it!! I am finally starting to realize just how powerful it is and trying to take advantage of that. Jesse P.S. I have a sgml template and hope to write a small howto to setup and use sgml-tools under Debian (I've been looking at Debiandoc as well). It really is much easier than the other distro's (I found that out when our local LUG talked about how to install it under their distro's). I was the first one who had it up and working (less than 5 minutes with about 1 hour of reading, total time 65 minutes, and then I was typing and rendering away) Anyway, the template is at http://personal.mco.bellsouth.net/~jgoerz. It's not completely finished (but is any user contributed work ever?)