on Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 05:41:08PM +1030, David Purton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> anyone know of a good free x server for windows 95?
> I've tried M/IX but I'm not particularly happy with it - fails on eterm
> and gives error messages all the time - and I don't like it's window
> manager :) - not much I know...


Similar results with M/IX.  I've used and run XWin32, which is
reasonably priced, as well as Hummingbird Exceed, and WRQ Reflection X,
which are fairly high-end commercial products.  Pricing ranges from
about $125 for XWin32 to something more than that for the other two.  I
ran across a fairly complete product comparison page a week or so back,
don't remember where.  Could have been XWin32, though I don't find it on
their site.

Here's a reasonable proxy:  http://mbcr.bcm.tmc.edu/Guide/xemulator.html

If you can live with it, VNC is a pretty good alternative, though you
don't have the option of managing remote apps from your Legacy MS
Windows desktop independently of X:


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>    http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.                      http://www.zelerate.org
  What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?      There is no K5 cabal
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/        http://www.kuro5hin.org

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