On Sat, Dec 23, 2000 at 04:35:03AM +0000, q wrote: > (my apologies...it's on my list of projects. i use vi. the posts i > see for this issue seem to be for vim. (anyone know how to line wrap > in _vi_?))
Don't know if this is the answer you keep getting, but, in elvis, ":set textwidth=NN" causes it to wrap at NN columns. If that doesn't work for you ":set all" will show you all the settings which you can play with. Check to see whether any of their names look promising. Finally, you can use "!<movement command><shell command>" as a general way to execute shell commands against your text. The text moved across by <movement command> will be used as input for <shell command> and be replaced by its output. It just so happens that there is a shell command which wraps text: fmt. So, to wrap the text of two paragraphs, you can go to the beginning of the first paragraph and type "!2}fmt". To do your whole message, you could use "1G}!Gfmt" ("1G}" puts the cursor on the blank line following the headers, so use just "1G" if they're not displayed. "!Gfmt" wraps everything from the cursor to the end of the file.) This is also handy for wrapping quoted text or re-wrapping edited paragraphs. -- "Two words: Windows survives." - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist "So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin." - Matthew Alton Geek Code 3.1: GCS d? s+: a- C++ UL++$ P++>+++ L+++>++++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI++++ D G e* h+ r y+