On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 08:45:35AM -0800, james (home) wrote:
> does anyone know how to get a mysql database, queried by PERL on to the web.
> I would appreciate some help.
> I am trying to create a table in a web page which has 3 static fileds, and 3
> input fields.
> Its basically a list of servers and ip addresses and passwords, all fixed,
> and I want to be able to add new customer names, e-mail addresses and
> contact number, as and when the servers are sold.
> so one web page to display the current table and fields, and one to add the
> new customers details to.

well, i've got some working code that i can send -- but
if your configuration needs polishing, all the code west
of the smokies won't help.

do you get errors? or do you just need some samples
to go by? (i'm using potato w/perl 5.005_03 and mysql
Ver 9.38 Distrib 3.22.32, for pc-linux-gnu (i586) if
that helps.)

in fact, every hit on my dontUthink.com server is
tracked by mysql, with almost a literal cut & paste
of randal schwartz's dbi-log routine.

whaddya need?

There are only two places in the world where time takes
precedence over the job to be done.  School and prison. 
                                        --William Glasser 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]    ***    http://www.dontUthink.com/

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