I have 64MB RAM and 256MB swap.  When I run free it tells me I have
61MB RAM and 244MB swap.  Interesting.

Also, I had read in a How-To that Linux wouldn't use more than 128MB
of swap in a single partition.  Before I relayed that info, I though I
would test it (I had only recently expanded my swap beyond the 128MB
size).  I got it to use 241MB of swap (with free telling me I had 2MB
free).  Must be outdated info in the how-to.

However, I think that the system is really using all the memory
available.  It must have something to do with the way free gets its
information.  (but I have no proof)


On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 05:46:48PM -0800, Denzil Kelly wrote:
> When I partitioned my hard drive, I noticed that I was
> unable to make a swap partition of 128 MB. For
> whatever reason, the largest partition I was able to
> make was 122 MB. Why is this? Also I've noticed that
> all of my memory isn't detected either. Why is this? I
> have 128 MB installed, but this is what is reported by
> free
>         total used  free   shared    buffers    
> cached
> Mem:    124    120    3      45         17         42
> Swap:   122      0  122
> Total:  246    120  125

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