
I'm having trouble figuring out how to install Debian 2.2 with just a Rescue 
disk and with the rest of the files needed
for a base system to be put in one folder on a DOS partition. This is how I've 
always installed Debian slink, but would
like to start out with Debian potato on a different computer. I'm reading 
through the install guide at debian.org, but
all I'm finding is multi-floppy installations or installations that make you 
retain a multi-folder directory structure.
I'd appreciate some help with this. I tried getting most of the folder that has 
'images-1.44' in it and I tried making
a Rescue fisk from the rescue.bin in images-1.44, but when I try the disk and 
have it boot the installation, it asks
me for a Root disk afterwords. I just want a single floppy to kickstart the 
install and have it grab everything else
from my harddrive. Is that possible with Debian potato? Or what about woody?

(please CC: me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] since I'm subbed to the digest... I'm 
visiting home for three weeks from college and
need to use web-based e-mail)

Bart Szyszka  ICQ:4982727  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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