Last night I installed Potato using the 'network' method. It was very nice! (especially with my 100Mb/s connection).
Debian has more packages in the distro than RH! Very cool! I found some debian packages that I hadn't been able to find rpms for previously. The only problem is that many of the packages are old (ie gnome-*, sawmill, python, etc). When was Potato released? (that may be the problem and woody might have the newer packages) How unstable is woody? When I looked at the inittab file, it had a comment saying that runlevels 2-5 are mutlti-user. Ok, but not enough information. I have been using RH for 2 years, and it has runlevel 5 for X and 3 for full multi-user. Does Debian use the same runlevels? I know some distros use different nubers than RH. (The inittab should explicitly list each runlevel) I'll probably be back later with more configuration questions, but that's all that's on my mind for now. -D