Juergen Fiedler wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 12:03:41PM -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> I installed it on my test machine, and it couldn't have been easier.
> Netscape is still bitching because I didn't create a site certificate
> yet, but it's working.

i would block connections from the world to a UW imapd server. it is
well known to be full of security holes(most of the known ones are
patched however from what i gather on BUGTRAQ the whole design of the
server isn't done with security in mind). or compile UW IMAP with the
stackgaurd GCC compiler. if your imap server is on a private network
then i guess there isn't much to worry about.

i for one just recently switched from uw imapd to cyrus, performance
increased by about 10 fold.


ICQ: 75132336

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