A R wrote: I did it, now look what's coming:

> Before trying fetchmail again, I am going to close netscape to avoid conflict.
> I have messenger set to retrieve every minute. So I will report back in a few
> minutes.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/pruebas$ telnet localhost smtp
> Trying
> Connected to debian.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 220 debian ESMTP Exim 3.12 #1 Sat, 16 Dec 2000 10:23:21 -0500
> quit
> 221 debian closing connection
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/pruebas$

It is working goooood now, I was able to fetch it, and read it from the first
time. I suppose that next comes tying it to mutt, emacs, or whatever there. Any
ideas, pointers, suggestions? Thanks again, Carel.

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