i wrote a very nice piece on the System.map file.   you can find it at my
personal website, along with other bits and pieces of linux knowledge:


what's most likely happening is that the System.map file that klogd is
finding is in /boot/System.map, since that's the first location klogd will
look by default.

one of the steps when you compile a kernel would be:

cp /usr/src/linux/System.map /boot/System.map-thisversion
ln -s /boot/System.map-thisversion /boot/System.map

note that having the wrong System.map in place won't hurt anything except
for maybe dosemu, wine and kernel dumps in case you hit an oops.


On Thu 14 Dec 00,  5:30 AM, Pollywog said...
> Is anyone else having problems with the latest test kernel
> (2.4.0-test12)?
> Every time I compile it and reboot, I get errors about the system map
> not matching the kernel.
> I don't have this problem with the test11 kernel.
> thanks
> --
> Andrew
> -- 
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To err is human, to forgive is divine.      [EMAIL PROTECTED]       -
To oink is porcine, to meow is feline.    http://www.dirac.org/p      ._.
To neigh is equine to howl is lupine,                                 /v\
To moo is bovine to bleat is ovine.                                  // \\
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