Should have given you an example of what I am doing. Here it is....

# at 23:17
warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh
>/usr/local/bin/radio 104
> <EOT>
job 18 at 2000-12-14 23:17
When the clock turns 23:17

#ps aux
root     885 0.0 1.3 1576  824  tty1   T  22:53  0:00 aumix
root     890 0.0 1.6 2704 1072  tty1   R  23:18  0:00 ps aux

[I'm running this on a PC not connected to the net, so don't worry about me
running as root]

I'll look into this -m switch for daemons tommorrow. Haven't a clue where
to invoke this yet. Bedtime now.



It's nice to be liked, but better by far to get paid -- Liz Phair

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