rick, netscape does see TT fonts.  i can verify that.

simple test:

write a small webpage using a tt font that you know you have.  view it with

also, gimp has access to my TT fonts as well, as does star office 5.2 (both
the spreadsheet and wordprocessor.)


On Mon 11 Dec 00,  7:52 PM, Rick Loga said...
> I have XF86Free 4.0.1 and followed docs on installing true type fonts, which 
> were to copy the tt fonts from my W95 box, use ttmkfdir, and change the 
> config file XF86Config-4.  I also stopped and started the xfs service.  I use 
> gnome and netscape and netscape does not list the true type fonts as I one 
> doc said it should.  How do I verify the true type fonts are working?  Do I 
> have to verify for each application?  I understand netscape is different.
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