Hi all,

I am trying to configure Flexbackup to use a tape drive. I tried to
launch it with this command string:

'/usr/bin/flexbackup -fs all -level 1' 

But then I get this error message:

"flexbackup version 0.9.8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Bad name after afio' at /etc/flexbackup.conf line 103.
syntax error in config file /etc/flexbackup.conf at /usr/bin/flexbackup
line 1247."

In /etc/flexbackup.conf, line number 103 and the following ones are these:

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters for 'afio' only

# True to show block numbers
$afio_echo_block = 'false';

# Files less than this size (kilobytes) won't be compressed
$afio_compress_threshold = '3';

# Maximum amount of memory (megabytes) to use for temporary storage of
# compression results.  If a compressed file is bigger than this,
# compression
# will have to run twice on the file (see manpage).
$afio_compress_cache_size = '2';

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Could somebody give me a hint? I would appreciate any help! 

Thanks in advance!

Best regards, 

Ola Muan

talk2me system
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