On Mon, 11 Dec 2000, Philipp Schulte wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 09:34:04PM +1030, David Purton wrote: 
> > 1)  Is possible to control what interfaces the services in inetd bind to?
> I don't thik I understand what you want. Are you talking about a
> server which has several interfaces and you want i.e. smtp to be
> reached through eth0?

yeah - but in this case I mean local and remote networks

> > 2)  is possible to specify either
> >     a) what interfaces a particular user can log in through  or
> >     b) what ip addresses a particular user can log in from?
> Sure. ssh and telnet (bad!) logins can be restricted through
> /etc/hosts.deny or /etc/hosts.allow

sorry, not quite clear - I mean I want some users to be alowed to login
from a particular ip address, but not others, not just a blanket block.

this stems from the lack of imagination used by my dad in password

Today people in droves hurry up past Heumoz to Villars 
on the road to the ski hills, so they can rush down them
as fast as possible, so they can hurry up again in order
to rush down again.  In a way this is funny,...

                        Francis A Schaeffer

David Purton


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