At 03:32 AM 12/10/00 -0500, you wrote:
What are the differences between the vanilla and compact install
besides the obvious listed at the Debian site?  When I installed with
the vanilla method (hard drive floppy-less) the console looked fine.
With compact, I have this low-res penguin image on top that won't go
away unless I go to another console and then back.  And the cursor is
block instead of underlined.  And worst of all the screen is shifted
over to the right.  I know I can adjust that with the buttons, but
nothing else does this.

Yes - the compact kernel image uses the frame buffer options for the console and gives you the benefit of a 80x30 line console (with the beer-drinking penguin)

Look at the command fbset for some options on how to do stuff, or get the kernel source and compile your own.


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