On Sun, Feb 02, 2003 at 04:11:21PM +0100, Jerome Lacoste (Frisurf) wrote:
> Hi,
> I migrated from gnome 1.4 to gnome 2.2 (*) yesterday and here are the
> problems I encountered. I am willing to report the problems but I am not
> sure to which package they pertain. If you got ideas how to fix the
> remaining ones, please do contact me :) 
> [Some problems were related to the fact that I was using wmaker, which
> is not a 'pure' Gnome Window Manager.]
> - I lost my default window manager at startup (wmaker). I fixed the
> problem by adding a window manager in the session applications to
> startup but I am not sure it is the correct fix. Should I put it
> elsewhere? I didn't find any gnome panel to change my window manager
> settings as I used to have in Gnome 1.4. Sawfish seems to be the only
> supported WM.
It seems that GNOME2 has drop this particular configuration option,

> - lost some panels (e.g. e-sound manager). Do I miss a package?

Panels or applets?

> - lost icons for some panels (at startup one complains about missing
> /usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-battery.png). Do I miss a package?

I don't have this file either; try packages.debian.org.

> - lost placement of all icons on desktop. Now everything is on the left.

I guess nautilus2 doesn't forward-port nautilus's configs...

> - lost icons related to file types (all icons are identical on my
> desktop and in nautilus, really annoying)

As above.

> - lost workspace configuration (had 4, handled by wmaker, got 1)

Yeah...I use sawfish, so I got to create workspaces for me; they showed
up on the pager thingy just fine.

> - lost applications at startup (was probably handled by wmaker, not
> gnome)

Yeah, maybe.  GNOME also does it's own session thingy though.

> - lost default xterm setting (was Xterm was defaulted to Gnome Terminal)

Weird, I thought GNOME2 itself would convert GNOME1.4 settings.
Possibly file a wishlist bug?

> - gthumb crashes
> jerome@expresso> gthumb
> Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
> gthumb: relocation error: gthumb: undefined symbol: __cmpdi2

Ouch.  Probably a known bug, search the BTS for that symbol, I guess...

> - sensible-browser complains upon closing
> jerome@expresso> sensible-browser
> Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
> ** CRITICAL **: file
> /tmp/galeon-1.2.7/build/upstream/src/mozilla/mozilla.cpp: line 591
> (gboolean mozilla_print_preview_close(GaleonEmbed *)): assertion
> `embed->wrapper != NULL' failed.

Weird...as above, I guess.

> - I also find yelp extremely slow

Not sure, never used it...

Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             http://ertius.org/

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