Lo, on Friday, December 8, kmself@ix.netcom.com did write:

> Dr. Kroger:
> Attached are several recent posts you've made to the debian-users
> mailing list concerning the Debian GNU/Linux operating system
> (http://www.debian.org/).  I think you'll find that instructions for
> unsubscribing from the list are included, as well as a fallback address
> for reaching a real live person, with a copy of these instructions
> included in the signature line of each and every message posted,


Just a brief note.  Based on recent discussion here (lots of "I can't
unsubscribe!"  "Sure you can---just read the sig!"), it looks like people
are not aware of the following:

    The unsubscribe instructions are, in fact, NOT appended to the list
    messages to someone who's subscribed to debian-user-digest.

Just FYI.


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