On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 01:14:55PM -0500, Jesse Goerz wrote:
-|Has anyone used xfce?  I'd like to try it but first wanted to get some input 
-|on how it is.

In my opinion, XFCE is great on all systems (RH, SuSE, MDK, FreeBSD)
except for Debian.  The Debian package needs work on menu's, backgrounds,
and a lot of other things.  The "deb" package for xfce is in the 
"unstable" leg and should be used cautiously.  BTW  in the Debian
package of XFCE, my mouse pointer is a large "X" ....

Christopher W. Aiken, Scenery Hill, Pa, USA
chris at cwaiken dot com,   www.cwaiken.com
Current O/S: SuSE 7.0 Professional Linux

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