On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 11:22:39AM +1030 or thereabouts, Paul Schulz wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a pototo(2.2) debian system on which I'm trying out exim_3-12-10
> as the Mail Transport Agent.
> Questions/Problems: 
> 1. How do I delete a frozen email messages from the queue. ( I have
>    several test messages which are sitting there when I was trying out
>    /etc/aliases.)

"exim -qd" if i think. using "exim -qff" would force delivery of frozen

> 2. eximstats, exiqsumm seem to hang indefinitely. Why would this be?
> Other than these things, I'm quite happy with exim, particularly from
> somone who has read the Bat book, but still needed to have it open
> when configuring sendmail.

you read the bat book cover to cover!? ;-)  i'm reading chapter 12 since
last year. lol. that's why i was happy to have found exim.  rewriting
rules are saner.


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