I don't know how..or why .. but when i got in to work today i checked my
system at home and all mail was delivered(haven't gone bakc in the logs
yet), i sent another test mail from 2 different internet accounts and both
arrived without being deferred.

thats a big relief. maybe the DNS on that machine was out of whack and
needed time to re synch.

maybe santa cracked into my machine and fixed it or something..it is that
time of the year .............


9:38am up 81 days, 18:56, 3 users, load average: 0.01, 0.00, 0.00

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 23:34:28 -0800
From: Nate Amsden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: all mail getting deferred
Resent-Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 23:57:05 -0800
Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org

very curious problem here, before i goto sleep i think i need to post to
see if anyone knows what is goin on.

i have one of my servers here on a fast DSL line, static ip, both
forward and reverse DNS working, i even have a MX record pointed at it
for one of my domains(linuxpowered.net), however all mail to it gets
deferred by sendmail. I have also tried Postfix and exim and got similar
results(mail would arrive but not get delivered. since it seems to be a
generic mail issue i prefer to stick to sendmail on this as that is what
i've been using for years(what i know ...at least i think i know).
forcing the sendmail queue results in:

Running VAA08195 (sequence 7 of 11)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Connecting to local...

for each of the messages, everything, localhost email, real domain email
..alternate vhost email everything is deferred. the real domain for this
machine is portal.aphroland.org/, i pointed the MX of
linuxpowered.net to see if it was isolated for 1 domain and it is not.
sendmail is configured to accept mail for both domains(and more),
everything seems fine .. portal.aphroland.org has a A record for it ..i
can send mail to it, sendmail accepts it, just refuses to deliver. ..

i don't think it is related but earlier tonight i installed cyrus imapd
to test it out, is there anything special to get sendmail to deliver to
cyrus ?? when i saw incoming mail wasn't going to cyrus i re-ran
sendmailconfig, at that point i noticed the domain i was using was no
longer valid, so i updated to reflect the new domainname and have been
having this deferred problem ever since.

one thing about my domain aphroland.org, one of the nameservers is no
longer valid(ns3.aphroland.org) however that does not pose any kind of a
problem when sending mail to @aphroland.org so i can't see why it could
possibly interfere with @portal.aphroland.org. I have even tried to set
a MX for portal.aphroland.org with the same results ..something on my
system is misconfigured ...i compared it to my main server
(/etc/mailname and sendmail options) and they are almost identical .....

any ideas ??



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