>>>>> "Alson" == Alson van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Alson> I've got a IBM non-winkey keyboard, but if i press alt+x under X, Alson> emacs recognizes it as A-x, not M-x like the console does. Alson> keyboards without windoze key don't always solve the problem... Are you using pc101 as your keyboard model instead of pc104 in your XF86Config? Hubert -- ____ | ----------------------------------------------------------- | / --+-- | / ___|___ Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | \ | _|_ | |__| |__|__| GCS/M d- s:- a-- C++ UL+(++++) P++ L++ E++ W++ N++ o? | | K? w--- O++ M- V- PS-- PE+++ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 X R- tv+ b+ | / | \ DI++++ D G e++ h! !r !y | / | \ | | <><------------------ http://www.crosswinds.net/~hackerhue/ PGP/GnuPG fingerprint: 6CC5 822D 2E55 494C 81DD 6F2C 6518 54DF 71FD A37F Key can be found at http://www.crosswinds.net/~hackerhue/hackerhue.asc