>> >Can anybody tell me, what I have to install / configure to have a working
>> >GL-lib based on DRI with hardware acceleration?
>> >
>> >mfg
>> > Mischel S aus P
>> Go to http://www.debianplanet.org and look on the left hand side. There is a
>> nice tutorial on installing XF4 in Debian using a Voodoo card.
>> Scott
>Ok, I succeeded in installing my voodoo properly, but it is very slow
>(20fps XFree4.0 DRI, 35 fps XFree3.6 dev3dfx) and applications using
>GL seems to stop from time to time (for just a second or less). But games
>are not playable with this. Is this a driver-related issue and can I speed
>up things a little bit (20fps are ok, but those short freezes of my Quake3
>are not)?
Good question...I got this from http://www.linuxgames.com.
It was the latest article I found about 3dfx and XF4. It's
dated Friday Aug 18 23:26:06 2000.
There are new XFree86 4.0.1 X Server/Mesa prereleases
for the Voodoo Banshee, Voodoo3, Voodoo4 and Voodoo5
available. These drivers should be used in conjunction
with XFree86 4.0 and Glide 3 with DRI support (provided).
These are the drivers that were used in the demonstrations
at 3dfx's Linux World Expo booth. They ran games such as
Quake3, Unreal Tournament (with OpenGL renderer), Soldier
of Fortune and others. Note these drivers will still not
work with, Myth2, Quake2 or other Glide and Mesa2x based
applications but, the the DGA mouse bug been has been
fixed. Also note, these drivers are still in early
development. At this time only a single chip on the
board is supported, that means that the board will not
run at its full speed potential, nor are Full Scene
Antialiasing (FSAA) and T-Buffer Cinematic effects
available. As development continues these features
will be implemented in the drivers.
Anyone know if they've been updated since???