On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 09:25:07PM -0500, D-Man wrote: > > Hi all. I apologize for the off topic-ness of the message and the > cross-post. > I have a friend who has a program she likes (written in BASIC) on an Apple > IIe. > I have a way to get into the code and list it on the screen. What I am > looking > for is someone who has had some experience using an Apple IIe who can tell me > how I can get the listing to be redirected to the printer port. Also if it is > possible to get a copy of the program file onto a disk for an IBM compatible > comptuer (Windows or Linux) that would be great.
I think PR #1 sounds right for routing output to the printer, as someone else said. For the transfer, your best option is probably to use a modem for the transfer - you'll need to set up a host that can receive X/Y or Z-modem and take it from there. Alternatively, if you can find someone with a working 3.5" floppy for a //c or ][gs (did they make one for the ][e ever?) there is software available for writing MS-DOS format files, and you can take it from there. Mind, you may want to find a way to convert the BASIC code to a non-tokenized format on the Apple or it's not going to be too useful to you on the PC.