On Nov 30 2000, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:
> :: Rogerio Brito writes:
> >     That's weird. I'll keep trying to see what behaviour I get
> >     from my installation (I'll install a brand new woody machine
> >     after the weekend -- perhaps Monday or Tuesday -- which will
> >     be my guinea pig and I'll experiment with it a little bit).
> From the debian-devel, I learnt that sometimes applications that
> send images to X to be displayed will cause that behavior; it looks
> like X allocated all that memory, but it's actually the app's fault.

        Hummm. I see. I think that this is quite a strange behaviour
        though, since when more and more graphic applications are
        available for X, including e-mail readers ala those from
        Microsoft, then one thing that could cause a DoS (cause an OoM
        situation) would be to just display such images, right?

> Also, it seems that there are some little details that are usually
> not taken into account when counting how much memory a program has
> allocated... (Don't remember the details now, sorry)

        Well, I do know that the text size of a program is not counted
        in its usable memory (well, it is, but it can be easily shared
        *and* it can be discarded when more memory is needed -- and
        Linux does copy-on-write for forked processes).

        I don't know much more than this, though (if you have further
        information, then it would be mostly welcome).

        In X's case, the story seems to be that almost all of its data
        is in a data or stack segment (but that's is an impression
        I've got from top and ps).

> >     BTW, which driver/card are you using? I'll be using a Jaton
> >     card with Trident 3D Imàge 750 chipset.
> SiS 6326 with "8Mb" (acttually 4) :-/

        Oh, I remember that you've mentioned it has 8MB but only 4MB
        usable, right? And does it work ok? A friend of mine is
        thinking about buying one of this cards (I don't know if it
        comes embedded in a motherboard or not) and since his budget
        is limited, there aren't many choices (I've told him that I've
        had good luck with S3's).

        []s, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/

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