On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 18:28, sean finney wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 09, 2003 at 06:39:11PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I have edited /etc/kernel-pkg.conf and added the lines
> > "patch_the_kernel=yes" and "config_target=menuconfig".
> i could be way off, but this is what i have in my kernel-pkg.conf:
> patch_the_kernel := YES
> perhaps it's either case sensitive or requires the static assignment?
> i don't have a config_target set, but imagine it would work the same
> if that's your problem.

Personally, I just use the environment variable approach each time I

Thief:/usr/src# PATCH_THE_KERNEL=YES make-kpkg --revision=Thief.20

A good way to test if a kernel patch is working is to try applying it
manually. I don't remember the directory off the top of my head, but
it's something along the lines of /usr/src/patches/patch-name/patch.
Look around your src tree to find it. There was a problem a few weeks
ago with the LPP not applying to the new 2.4.20 packages that I
discovered by trying to apply it directly. With make-kpkg, you can never
be sure that the problem lies specifically in the patching process. Good


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