I haven't updated my dia and now I'll wait.

Have you filed a bug report on this? That's your surest way of fixing
this. There's no guarantee that the dia maintainer is watching this

On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 01:50:22PM -0800, Jeff Hornsberger wrote:
> Well, nobody has responded to my earlier posting below. Does this mean 
> that nobody else uses Dia? If not, what do you use instead? Anyway, I 
> purged both dia-common and dia-gnome from my system and installed 
> helix's dia .deb instead and it worked fine so if anybody else wants to 
> use dia, that's a possible solution for now. Later. -Jeff
> Jeff Hornsberger wrote:
> > Hi. I'm not sure if anyone else has had this problem, but for some 
> > reason my Dia won't save valid Dia files anymore. It can open my old 
> > Dia files, but when I try to create a new one and save it it gives the 
> > message: "xmlNewGlobalNs() deprecated function reached". Then when I 
> > try to reopen that file later it says that it isn't a valid Dia file. 
> > Has anyone else experienced this or have a solution for this? Thanks. 

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